Redact sensitive data

Ensure secure remote screen viewing using the redaction API to automatically block sensitive data such as credit card details, social security numbers and more.

When remotely viewing a user's screen, there may be certain sensitive data that should not be viewable by the agent.

For this purpose, we provide a redaction API that automatically blocks out on device all sensitive data sources such as credit cards, social security numbers, etc. When certain data is redacted, it will never leave the user's device.

Cobrowse provides two methods for redacting sensitive data in your applications:

1. Define the redacted views in your app source code (recommended)

This is the recommended method as it will make sure your redactions are tied to application or websites code version.

Redactions are defined as CSS selectors, passed as an array to the Cobrowse SDK. We recommend using a simple css class to signify redaction where possible, although more complex selectors will also work.

CobrowseIO.redactedViews = ['.redacted', ...some other selectors...]

Our web SDK also supports an un-redaction mechanism, where by you can define sub-elements inside of a redacted element that should be visible to the agent. You can specify un-redaction selectors like this:

CobrowseIO.unredactedViews = ['.unredacted', ...some other selectors...]

2. Use the Cobrowse web dashboard to define redacted views

This mechanism is provided as a fallback, use the SDK APIs when possible for maximum resiliency and efficiency.

You can also define redactions using a selector entered into the web dashboard. This can be useful if your app is already in production and you need to redact a field retrospectively, either due to a missed redaction entry in the app build or changing requirements. Visit the dashboard settings to enter redaction selectors.

Enter your css selectors, e.g. .redacted-class or #redacted-id.

Last updated