Enable full device remote control on Android and Windows SDKs, allowing support agents to modify system settings or control apps on a user's device.
Full device remote control allows your support agents to take full control of a user's device, for example to change system settings or control other apps. This feature is only supported on the Android and Windows SDKs.
Configuring full device remote control
On platforms that support full device remote control, there may be extra steps required during your SDK integration:
Due to recent Google Play Store policy changes these instructions have been updated. You must be using SDK version v2.16.0 or above. See the Google Play Store requirements for details on listing your app when using this API.
Full device remote control for Android, including unattended access, uses an Accessibility Service that must be enabled on the device to grant access.
This feature is supported in API 21 (5.0 Lollipop) and above.
Add a new service declaration to your application AndroidManifest.xml file:
Enable the accessibility service the Cobrowse SDK will have added in the main device settings, eg. Settings -> Accessibility -> Your App Name. Note: this only has to be done the very first time.
Uploading to the Google Play Store?
Add the following resource via an XML file to enable a consent request to your users each time full device remote control is requested:
Due to limitations and restrictions set by Apple we can not support full device remote control. Agents are able to view the full device but not use any of the agent tools.
Please follow the Android documentation to implement full device remote control using React Native.
Please follow the Android documentation to implement full device remote control using Flutter.
Please follow the Android documentation to implement full device remote control using .NET / MAUI.
Full device remote control available after user consents to the macOS permission and consent prompt, no extra integration needed.
Full device remote control by default, no extra integration needed.
Detecting AccessibilityService state on Android
We have built some logic and APIs to detect if the Android accessibility service is running, and if not, to deep link the user to the settings to enable it.
Open system accessibility settings with:
import { CobrowseAccessibilityService } from 'cobrowse-sdk-react-native'
The Cobrowse.io SDK for Flutter does not provide a default implementation to launch the accessibility service setup, but you can access this API in the native SDK using Flutter platform channels.
Check if accessibility service is already running with:
import { CobrowseAccessibilityService } from 'cobrowse-sdk-react-native'
The Cobrowse.io SDK for Flutter does not provide a default implementation to detect the state of the accessibility service, but you can access this API in the native SDK using Flutter platform channels.
Deep link user to accessibility settings with:
Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS);
Intent intent = new Intent(global::Android.Provider.Settings.ActionAccessibilitySettings);