User consent dialog

By default, Cobrowse will show a user consent dialog when a new session is incoming. You may modify and customize the consent prompt using the SDK.

By default, Cobrowse will show a user consent dialog when a new session is incoming. You may modify and customize the consent prompt as you wish, using the SDK hooks described below.

Admin users may also disable this consent prompt from your account settings if you prefer to remove it entirely:

CobrowseIO.confirmSession = function() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        // show your UI here
        // call resolve(true) to accept the session
        // or reject() to reject the session

Example UIs

We've created a set of sample UIs that you may drop directly into your app or website as a starting point to customize the consent prompt.

// A generic consent dialog class
function Consent() {
  var container = document.createElement('div');
  function content(title, description){
    return '\
      <div style="background: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.4); position: fixed; z-index: 2147483647; bottom: 0; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0">\
        <div style="color: #333; font-family:sans-serif; line-height:140%; position:fixed; padding:25px; background:white; border-radius:15px; z-index:2147483647; top:50px; left:50%; width:75%; max-width:350px; transform:translateX(-50%); box-shadow:0px 0px 15px #33333322;">\
          <div style="text-align:center; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:20px"><b>'+title+'</b></div>\
          <div style="float:right; margin-top:40px; color:rgb(0, 122, 255);">\
            <a class="cobrowse-deny" style="cursor:pointer; padding:10px;">Deny</a>\
            <a class="cobrowse-allow" style="cursor:pointer; padding:10px; font-weight: bold;">Allow</a>\
  } = function(title, description) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve) {
      container.innerHTML = content(title, description);
      container.querySelector('.cobrowse-allow').addEventListener('click', function(){ resolve(true); this.hide() }.bind(this));
      container.querySelector('.cobrowse-deny').addEventListener('click', function(){ resolve(false); this.hide() }.bind(this));
      if (document.body) document.body.appendChild(container);

  this.hide = function() {
    if (container.parentNode) {

// Integration with Cobrowse
CobrowseIO.confirmSession = function() {
    return new Consent().show('Session Request', 'Do you want to share your screen?');

Last updated