Environment Variables

How your Cobrowse deployment can be configured.

Many of the Cobrowse service component configurations are managed using environment variables specified in ConfigMap and Secret resources, and these configurations can be overridden outside of the Helm chart by resources that you manage.

ConfigMap Resources

To see a list of all ConfigMap resources managed by the Helm chart, you can run:

kubectl get configmap -l "app=cobrowse-cobrowse-enterprise"
NAME                          DATA   AGE
cobrowse-api-envvars          10     25m
cobrowse-frontend-envvars     1      25m
cobrowse-proxy-envvars        4      25m
cobrowse-recording-envvars    3      25m
cobrowse-sockets-envvars      6      25m

Each of these envvars ConfigMaps can be overridden by creating ConfigMap resources named (respectively):

The naming of each resource is prefixed with your .Release.Name. The examples below assume the .Release.Name is cobrowse.


Secret Resources

To see a list of all Secret resources managed by the Helm chart, you can run:

kubectl get secret -l "app=cobrowse-cobrowse-enterprise"
NAME                         TYPE     DATA   AGE
cobrowse-api-envvars         Opaque   2      41m
cobrowse-frontend-envvars    Opaque   0      41m
cobrowse-proxy-envvars       Opaque   0      41m
cobrowse-recording-envvars   Opaque   0      41m
cobrowse-sockets-envvars     Opaque   2      41m

Each of these envvars Secrets can be overridden by creating Secret resources named (respectively):

The naming of each resource is prefixed with your .Release.Name. The examples below assume the .Release.Name is cobrowse.


Order of Priority

The following order of priority is followed while resolving environment variables, using the api service component as an example:

  1. Secret: cobrowse-api-custom-envvars

  2. Secret: cobrowse-api-envvars

  3. ConfigMap: cobrowse-api-custom-envvars

  4. ConfigMap: cobrowse-api-envvars

Thus if you override an environment variable such as redis_url in the cobrowse-api-custom-envvars ConfigMap, then the value will be overridden by the Helm-managed cobrowse-api-envvars Secret. Thus, make sure before overriding an environment variable in the ConfigMap that it isn't set in one of the Secret resources first.

Last updated